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来源:世界中医药 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-22
摘要:0 Introduction Since December 2019,the novel coronavirus has caused rapid development of pneumonia. The provinces and cities have launched a major public health emergency response on January 30,2020. The novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP

0 Introduction

Since December 2019,the novel coronavirus has caused rapid development of pneumonia. The provinces and cities have launched a major public health emergency response on January 30,2020. The novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) was named temporarily by the National Health Protection Committee in February 7,and it was named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February 11. WHO formally announced it in Geneva on February 7. The novel coronavirus pneumonia is more spread and more infected than the 2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003. China's novel coronavirus pneumonia was diagnosed in cases at 24 O'clock on March 3,2020,and 520 suspected cases were present. cases were cured and 2981 cases died. Traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated thousands of years of experience in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. The traditional Chinese medicine in treating the novel coronavirus has increasingly demonstrated its advantages and characteristics. At present,the National Health and Health Council jointly issued the 6th version of the new diagnostic and therapeutic plan for pneumonia caused by coronavirus,which has been added to the third edition of the Chinese medicine authority. Local TCM intervention programs have been formulated in different regions according to the local actual situation. As of February 22,2020,novel coronavirus pneumonia cases involving over 60 thousand cases were diagnosed by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been in the critical stage,and the current status of the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia is reviewed.

1 Name ofnovel coronavirus pneumonia

Suwen · on Needling Method said:"the five diseases,are easy to infect,no question of size,with similar symptoms." The characteristics of the outbreak of infectious diseases are strong infectivity and similar symptoms. In traditional Chinese medicine,this kind of disease is called "epidemic disease".Undoubtedly novel coronavirus pneumonia belongs to the category of "epidemic disease" in traditional Chinese medicine. Tong Xiaolin and other experts of novel coronavirus pneumonia found that after the tongue coating was thick and greasy fur,wet turbidity was very heavy,the climate in Wuhan was humid,and the overall appearance of external wet and internal wet was consistent. There are also relevant descriptions in Wenre Jingwei Volume 3and Ye Xiangyan's Chapter on Exogenous Warmth:"the white moss of pestilence is as thick as powder,and its filthy and turbid weight is heavy.”

Also the dampness disease is one of the five with clinical symptoms,regional characteristics and other comprehensive analysis,Most experts think it is more accurate to classify the disease as "wet".

It is more accurate to classify "epidemic disease" as "wet epidemic disease". At present,novel coronavirus pneumonia is recognized as "epidemic disease" and "damp epidemic disease",but there are different understanding of cold damp epidemic disease,damp toxin epidemic,damp heat epidemic. Wang Yuguang and Miao Qing believed thatnovel coronavirus pneumonia belonged to the category of "damp toxin epidemic". It is pointed out that the disease is the disease of the disease. The basic pathogenesis is "damp,poison,stasis,and closure". Novel coronavirus pneumonia is considered to be "cold damp epidemic" by Tong Xiaolin,Wang Yongyan and Xue Boshou. It is believed that the disease is caused by cold,damp and epidemic Guoju thought that the epidemic was damp heat epidemic. He pointed out that winter was Yin,cold was also Yin,and heavy Yin was bound to be Yang. Moreover,the symptoms of fever,thick and greasy tongue coating,dry and bitter mouth,diarrhea,and sticky stool were also consistent with the symptoms of damp heat disease.

2 Analysis of the etiology from the perspective of three factors

Novel coronavirus pneumonia is the cause of invasion of the human body by "epidemic resistance". Wu Youke said in his Treatise on Epidemic Febrile Diseases that "those who are infected with pestilence will feel the evil Qi of heaven." In the book,there is a kind of cold disease,which is not a kind of heat disease. It can be seen that pestilence is a kind of evil Qi with strong infectivity,multiple transmission forms and rapid pathological changes. Novel coronavirus pneumonia is analyzed from three aspects of the etiology.

2.1 Timing -- Analysis from the theory of five movements and six Qi

Unseasonality is an important factor in the outbreak. "Spring should be warm and anti-cold,summer should be hot and anti-cold,autumn should be cool and anti-hot,winter should be cold and anti-temperature,this is not its time has its own gas. In one year of age,the disease of old and young are all similar,called plague disease also." It is pointed out that the disease is easy to break out at different times. 2019 is the year of Jihai,the earth transport is not good,the wind is in the sky,the fire is in the spring of Shaoyang,and the overall climate is hot and windy. The year of Jihai was the peak year of stroke fever in sixty years. The COVID-19 outbreak began at the end of Jihai. The weather was cold at the end of Jihai,the sun was cold and the water was cold. The climate should have been cold,but there was a situation of "wind and heat being more abundant". The year 2020 is the year of Gengzi,the year of Gengzi,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng,the year of Geng. Gu Zhi mountain comprehensive luck factor was that the outbreak is complex,the six evils of the Chen miscellaneous,dry,wet,fire,cold,wind,and from five to six qi theory points out that the outbreak either hot or cold dampness,"v dry" and "wood Li" is the pathogenesis,and throughout,the standard of fire is the pathogenesis,wet,cold,etc,to change at any time.

文章来源:《世界中医药》 网址: http://www.sjzyyzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0722/1710.html


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